• Question: Emmanuel Dadu; What is the best way of achieving one's goal

    Asked by agee18jaw to Sharon, Peter, Peris, John, Emmanuel on 17 May 2022.
    • Photo: Peter Macharia

      Peter Macharia answered on 17 May 2022: last edited 17 May 2022 10:44 am

      Hi Dadu,

      I would not say there is formula, different things work for diffrent people. However, in general you need put down the aim thats the goal down (you can break it to short , mid and long term). 2) put down the action points needed to achieve the goal, 3) have a plan on how to action each point 4) have regular check points to assess your progress 5) have a pal that you can be answerable to in terms of what you set to acheieve. Remember to harness syrnegies by using whats existing to build up where you want to be as opposed to reinventing the wheel
